Broughton Marine Park 7 Day Kayak Trip

Desde CAD 2.500,00 CA$
  • Duración: 7 Días (aproximadamente)
  • Código de producto: BRGHTN7
 Humpback Whales come into the area by the dozens to feed before they Migrate south for the winter, pacific white sided dolphins congregate by the hundreds to make super pods, and the intimidating yet beautiful Stellar Sea lions haul out on to Rocks and Frolic about the islands in preparation for winter. Then of course there is always the chance to catch a glimpse of the mighty Killer Whale, this area is home to some 250+ resident Orca, and the odd Transient group, nothing beats seeing them in the wild.

  • Below is a sample itinerary and exact routes will vary, all our trips shift and change due to weather, currents, tides, campsite appropriateness and wildlife sightings.

    Day 0: Plan to be in  Telegraph Cove or Port McNeil the night before the trip departs Meals Included: None 

    Day 1: We meet at 7:30 am at the Mariner in Telegraph Cove. Vehicles can be parked for a small daily fee and extra bags can often be left at your hotel while you’re on the trip – just ask at the front desk.

    From here you will get a short brief on the overall trip plan, the plan for the day, a introduction to packing your gear and We’ll distribute dry-bags to pack your gear in, and answer any questions you may have. After packing Kayaks we will run a short intro to the Kayaks, Safety and how to paddle efficiently.

    We aim to be on the water before lunch and it is a short paddle to our first campsite (depending on weather) along the shores of the Johnston Straight.
    Meals Included: Lunch – Dinner 

    Days 2 to 6: This nomadic tour will allow us to explore freely in the area, and we will break camp 5– 6 times. On Day two we will work our way across the Johnston straight and into the Broughton area, seeking out primo camp sites according to weather.

    Along the way, we may stop at the small community of Echo Bay and visit Billy Proctor’s museum, where he has gathered up thousands of artifacts from the area. As well, we may plan a stop at the ancient native village of Meem Quam Leese and explore its decaying totems and long houses.

    The Broughton Archipelago is a literal maze of islands, and no day’s paddle will be the same. Often we paddle on the outer edge of the archipelago at the base of the  Queen Charlotte Strait, here we encounter great fishing, sea bird colonies, sea lions haul outs, and a view of stunning grandeur that may call you to keep paddling for months up the inside passage. In sheltered waters of the Archipelago, we can find respite if the weather is sour and explore this mystical area and it’s first nations sites, hidden bays, and rich rainforest, and if the weather is stunning the islands shine like jewels and the white midden beaches almost seem tropical.

    Each trip is unique and each itinerary will change on a daily bases due to weather, tides, and group interests. Our main goals are complete immersion in this amazing area, relaxation, wildlife sightings, great food and an amazing time.    Meals Included: Breakfast – Lunch – Dinner 

    Day 7: On our last day, we’ll linger over breakfast; enjoy one last short paddle before our journey ends. After lunch, we’ll pack up camp, and board our water taxi for the return journey to Telegraph Cove, arriving by about 3:30 PM.

    Often we are back in time for you to fly out of Port Hardy or catch a late ferry back to the mainland, but delays do happen. It is recommended that you spend the last night in the area again, enjoy a hot shower, and be in no rush to come out of vacation mode. This also allows a last casual non trip meal to celebrate a great trip.
    Meals Included: Breakfast – Lunch